Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Blandy Farm REU

Blandy Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program

May 21 - Aug 3, 2018   Applications Due  March 1, 2018

Carla Vanderbilt (Stetson University) studying song vocalization in gray catbirds.

Samuel Bernhard (Wesleyan University) sifts through mud looking for invertebrates.


Undergraduate education is one our highest priorities at Blandy Experimental Farm. Since 1992 Blandy has provided Undergraduate Research Fellowships to students interested in ecology and environmental science. We have been aided in this effort by funding from the National Science Foundation's Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. Our primary goal is to teach students to formulate testable hypotheses about important ecological and evolutionary questions. The format of the program encourages students to develop skills in experimental design, data collection, analysis, and critical reading of primary scientific literature. Students also learn to prepare and communicate scientific information to other scientists and the general public.

Our program exposes students to a diversity of research projects that collectively illustrate how natural systems function and how science progresses. Through the course of the summer we provide students with information on various career options in ecology and the environmental sciences. For summer 2018, we will offer 10 awards that carry a $5775 stipend + an additional meal budget, free housing, and a budget for supplies and research-related travel. Interested students can access the necessary application form and instructions directly from our APPLICATION PAGE. We strongly recommend filling out an application at least two weeks before the application deadline.  The application and all supporting materials are due on March 1, 2018.  If you need further information please send an email to Dr. Kyle Haynes or call 540 837-1758 ext 292 M-F, 9-5 Eastern Time. These fellowships are only available for U.S. citizens and permanent U.S. residents.

research forum 2011

                                               Faculty, Graduate and Undergraduate Students at 2011 Research Forum. 
Kiona Ervin (Howard University) monitors growth of nickel-accummulating plants.

Ricardo Rivera (Univ. Puerto Rico, Bayamon) examines plants at the U.S. Botanical Garden.
Historic Quarters building containing offices, computer room, library and dormitory facilities.