Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Undergraduate Internships at the Darling Marine Center - University of Maine

Data Synthesis Internship
The Darling Marine Center is seeking an undergraduate intern to contribute to a long-term data integration and translation project focused on the Damariscotta River Estuary, in midcoast Maine. The successful candidate will work closely with DMC Director Heather Leslie and her students to identify, integrate, and curate data related to the environmental and human dimensions of the estuary. This internship is for 12 weeks, starting May 21 through August 10th.

For more information or to apply:

Aquaculture Internship
The Darling Marine Center is seeking an undergraduate intern to contribute to the vibrant business incubation and aquaculture research and development underway at the University of Maine’s marine laboratory in Walpole, Maine. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to participate in field trials of new aquaculture techniques and also to contribute to activities designed to enhance industry use of the DMC’s experimental aquaculture lease, under the direction of Heather Leslie of the School of Marine Sciences and Dana Morse of Maine Sea Grant. This internship is for 12 weeks, starting May 21 through August 10th.

For more information or to apply:

Internship: Larval lobster survival in changing ocean waters
We are seeking an undergraduate or recent graduate to assist in marine science research projects this summer at the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center (DMC). The internship is supported by NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program, the Northeast Sea Grant Consortium and UMaine student research funds.  This collaboration among scientists at UMaine, Bigelow Laboratory and the University of Prince Edward Island focuses on understanding how ocean warming and acidification influence the coastal ecology and economy of the Gulf of Maine, with particular emphasis on the growth and development of the American lobster. The intern will primarily be involved in laboratory-based research projects exploring changes in larval lobster survival, physiology and behavior in response to elevated temperature and CO2. The intern will be based in the Wahle lab and have the opportunity to participate in concurrent field- and lab-based projects led by graduate students in and will interact with collaborating researchers at Bigelow Laboratory.

For more information or to apply:

Science Communication Intership
The Darling Marine Center is seeking a motivated undergraduate or graduate student from a Maine college or university to write weekly news stories, lead public tours, and contribute to community engagement efforts. The ideal candidate is a journalism major with passion for science writing or a marine science student with strong journalism and communication skills. The internship will run for 10-12 weeks beginning in late May or early June.

For more information or to apply:

SEANET Summer Internships at DMC
The University of Maine’s Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture Network (SEANET) is seeking 3-6 interns to work as a team at the Darling Marine Center (DMC) on various projects related to marine foodweb ecology, coastal oceanography and interactions with aquaculture in Maine estuaries. Full-time internships are available for 3 months, starting May 16th through August 24th (start and end dates are flexible). Additionally, ongoing part-time internships are available with the option to transition to full-time summer employment (dates and work schedules are flexibles).

For more informatio or to apply: