Monday, December 16, 2019

REU Program: Observing the Ocean: hypoxia, harmful algae, oil spills and ocean acidification

The Department of Oceanography and the Geochemical and Environmental Research Group (GERG) at Texas A&M University are proud to announce an REU program that will focus on "Observing the Ocean: hypoxia, harmful algae, oil spills and ocean acidification." Ten students will be introduced to new ocean observing technologies and will use data from ocean observatories, buoys and time series to investigate the ocean. Students will work with faculty and staff mentors in laboratories and on seagoing projects to acquire the analytical skills for multidisciplinary oceanographic research.

2020 Program important dates: May 25 - August 1

  • Arrival May 25: housing at off-campus apartments adjacent to campus
  • Week 1: Program begins May 26; initiate research projects in consultation with mentors
  • Week 4: Group project: Research cruise in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Week 10: REU Student Research Symposium: Best presentation prize awarded ($1500 travel grant).

To be eligible for this research opportunity you must be:

  • A US citizen, US national, or US permanent resident
  • Enrolled as an undergraduate in a degree program leading to a baccalaureate or associate degree; preference will be given to students with rising junior or sophomore status
  • Most accepted applicants will have a minimum grade point average of 2.75
  • Non-US students and graduating seniors are not eligible for this program


  • Work with faculty mentors to develop a research plan
  • Receive training on sensors, data analysis, data management and science writing
  • Meet weekly to present and discuss results of their projects
  • As a group, develop a research plan for a research cruise
  • At the end of summer, prepare a final report or poster, and make a presentation to the group
  • Compete for a Best Presentation award

Application Period Opens: December 1, 2019
Applications Deadline: February 17, 2020
Announcement of acceptances: early March

For more information or to apply, please visit: