Monday, December 16, 2019

REU Program: Raptor Research

The REU Site in Raptor Research (REU-RR) is funded by the National Science Foundation and Boise State University. REU-RR is a 10-week summer research program for undergraduates located at Boise State University, Boise, Idaho. Field and laboratory research projects are available for students.

The goal of the REU-Raptor Research site is to engage undergraduates in biological research using birds of prey (hawks, owls, falcons, and eagles) as model systems. Though partnerships among the  Raptor Research Center at Boise State University, the Boise State University Department of Biological Sciences, The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Intermountain Bird Observatory, College of Western Idaho, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, undergraduates will spend 10 weeks conducting field and/or laboratory research under the guidance of research mentors from academia, government agencies, and NGOs.

Students participate in a core professional development program that includes focus on endangered species restoration, responsible conduct of research, animal care, applying to graduate school, the publication process, and communication in science. The summer research experience for REU-RR participants culminates with a statewide interdisciplinary summer undergraduate research conference (ICUR) that provides participants the opportunity to communicate their work to a multidisciplinary audience of students and scientists. REU participants also have opportunity to attend the annual meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation during the fall semester to present their research, and where five previous REU-Raptor Research students have been recognized with William C. Andersen Memorial Award for best student posters.

Program Dates for Summer 2020 are: 18 May –  24 July

Applications for summer 2020 are now open and will close on February 10, 2020. Please know that REU-Raptor Research welcomes your application. We are especially interested in receiving applications from groups underrepresented in science (women and racial minorities), first generation college students, persons with disabilities, veterans of military service, and students from institutions where research opportunities in STEM are limited.

For more information or to apply, please visit: