Wednesday, January 31, 2018

National Wildlife Federation EcoCareers Conference - February 21-22, ONLINE!

Focus on the Future of Sustainability!

Join the National Wildlife Federation and our partners for this virtual conference which will prepare students and young professionals for wildlife and sustainability careers by providing information on the latest EcoCareer trends from leading analysts and employers, clarifying career enhancing credentials and academic offerings, and formulating a better understanding of the competencies employers seek in the green sector.

WHO: Students, faculty, and staff from high schools, colleges and universities across the country and globe!

HOW MUCH: College Students: $45, or $300 for a group up to 10!

The goals of the conference are:
  • Discover the types of jobs available in the clean economy, compensation levels, and advancement opportunities across clean economy sectors.
  • Enhance understanding of how to develop effective career plans that include degree programs and project-based learning credentials, while becoming familiar with supportive programming offered through the NWF EcoLeaders Program.
  • Explore online sustainability career skill resources that can help college instructors enhance academic offerings for sustainability across various disciplines.
  • Meet others across fields interested in leading for a clean economy including, students, faculty and employers and learn about ways to support one another.
For more information or to register, please visit: