The SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship) Program at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is designed to inspire undergraduate students to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) through a unique research experience that supports the NIST mission. Since 1993, SURF students from across the country have had the opportunity to gain valuable, hands-on experience, working with cutting edge technology in one of the world's leading research organizations and home to three Nobel Prize winners.
Over the course of 11 weeks, SURF students contribute to the ongoing research of one of the seven NIST facilities which are the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST), Communications Technology Laboratory (CTL), Engineering Laboratory (EL), Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), Material Measurement Laboratory (MML), NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR), and Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML). The SURF Program is administered at the Boulder, CO and Gaithersburg, MD locations. ***U.S. Colleges or universities (not individual students) must submit applications for participation in the SURF Program.****
Eligibility Requirements:
- Be a U.S. citizen and Permanent U.S. Resident with a valid green card
- Must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior) at a U.S. College or University during the time of application; seniors graduating in May 2018 are eligible to apply.
- Majoring in biochemistry, biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, engineering, materials science, mathematics, physical sciences, physics, and/or statistics
- Have a 3.0 G.P.A. or above
- Considering pursuing a graduate degree or career in a STEM discipline
Students applying to the SURF Boulder program will be matched to opportunities in the Boulder divisions:
- Applied Chemicals and Materials Division
- Public Safety Communications Research Division
- RF Technology Division
- Applied Physics Division
- Quantum Electromagnetics Division
- Time and Frequency Division
Students applying to the SURF Gaithersburg program will be matched to opportunities in the Gaithersburg laboratories:
- Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST)
- Communications Technology Laboratory (CTL)
- Engineering Laboratory (EL)
- Information Technology Laboratory (ITL)
- Material Measurement Laboratory (MML)
- NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR)
- Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML)
For additional information and application materials about the NIST SURF Program, please visit:
THE JMU Deadline for application is February 5th, 2018. Please contact the JMU Office of Sponsored Programs ( to apply. OSP website: